Worshipful Master | Robert Grey | St Andrews No 222 Prince of Wales’s No 259 |
Senior Warden | William Rhys Williams | Old Union No 46 |
Junior Warden | Thomas Trollope | Derwent No 40 |
Treasurer | Joseph James Forrester | St Andrews No 222 |
Secretary | John Middleton Hare | Cranbourne Lodge No 1580 |
Senior Deacon | Frederick Joseph Vialls | the Stuart Lodge No 540 |
Junior Deacon | Rev Richard Frederick Hosken | Lodge of Prince Frederick No 307 |
Inner Guard | George Henri Bué | Apollo University No 357 |
Founder | Sir Alfred Cooper | Prince of Wales’s No 259 |
Founder | William Brown | Lodge Athol No 413 (SC) |
The Consecration was led by John Hervey, a Grand Steward and an Old Boy of the School and reported in the Freemason.